New Computer and Upgrades
For both
for desktops and laptops. We can advise you and give you a
quote, offering very competitive hardware prices, no mark-ups. Charges are
all based on time required to do the work. We can also list your
old hardware on eBay to help you pay for it. We can also help in
buying and connecting hardware such as printers, scanners, UPS,
external hard disks, web-cams and Digital TV Tuners (and video
capture). We can also help install software you require, such as
Windows operating systems (e.g. Windows 7) and set up all
required drivers for your hardware.
We assemble desktop computers from quality parts from a range of
well known brands (including: Intel, AMD, Asus, Gigabyte etc.). We
can give you the option of a range of different type of parts for
each component of your computer system to suit your budget and
needs. We can also set-up the computer at your premises and connect
it to all required devices and peripherals to make sure you are up
and running as soon as we finish.
For laptops we can put in extra memory (RAM upgrade), swap the hard
disk for one with a higher capacity. Configure wireless connections.
We can also supply new batteries and power supplies at very
competitive prices.
For desktops there is more scope for upgrades, such as adding extra
hard disks, DVD and Blue-Ray burners, extra memory, better video
card, TV Tuners and Video capture cards, wireless adapters.